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10 Methods of Decluttering that Aren’t Marie Kondo — the Pros & Cons

#2. Pinterest List Method

Mrs. Wright
10 min readSep 20, 2020


Clutter can seem impossible at times, but some methods can help you conquer your possessions.

As a bonus, learning to declutter can help you save time. A study by Current Psychology shows a link between procrastination and clutter. Those who put off doing unpleasant tasks, like paying bills, also put off the difficult work of decluttering their homes.

Decluttering can also help reduce stress. In a study on how clutter can create cortisol, women who described their homes with “clutter words” or “house unfinished words” were more depressed and stressed throughout the day.

Growing up, my mom (as the head of our household) did her best but letting go of things was a struggle. There were piles of New Yorker magazines she was going to read someday then use the covers to wallpaper the bathroom. Neither happened. Mom was a good cook, and her lasagna can’t be beaten, but the kitchen was so disorganized no one else would go in. Decluttering was a stressful event, usually done when there were other stressful events like company coming over, and there was always yelling and frustration involved.

Growing up with too much clutter means that I didn’t learn how to keep a home from my childhood home…



Mrs. Wright
Mrs. Wright

Written by Mrs. Wright

Former restaurant reviewer and newspaper photographer. Married to a part-time goat farmer. BA Communications; MAEd.

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