Member-only story
8 Things About Planning I Wish I Mastered Sooner
#5 Initiating time with friends
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your
one wild and precious life? ― Mary Oliver
In my childhood home, there wasn’t much structure, and there weren’t many rules. It should have been more fun than it was, but I didn’t know how to do things without guidelines. I craved structure, limits, curfews, and natural consequences. Serendipitously, I discovered my first “how to get organized book” when I was ten.
These are things I do today around planning that took me a long time to learn. They’re not hard or complicated, but they weren’t things I learned on my own.
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
Your goal is your desired outcome. Your system is the collection of daily habits that will get you there.
This year, spend less time focusing on outcomes and more time focusing on the habits that precede the results.” ― James Clear
- A To-Do List: daily, weekly, monthly.
It’s disappointing to learn that things don’t often resolve themselves. This led to late fees and a constant feeling of being behind. Having a To-Do list that I check three times a day helps me in many…